The Contest is dedicated to live bands and so called live acts performing their own music that could qualified as reggae and its subgenres (ska, rocksteady, dub, dancehall) from any country of the world. The number of released albums, nationality or age of the band members does not play any role.
Single artists/singers without their own backing bands as well as sound systems CANNOT apply.
The Participants apply to the Contest via filling an online form at this website and uploading all required files. Each Participant will receive a confirmation email after filling the form and upload of files.
A submission means full acceptance of the General Rules of the Contest.
The Promoter reserves a right to reject a submission if not in comply with General Rules of the Contest. In such case the Participant will be informed by the Promoter with a separate email.
The Promoter will provide for 5 finalists:
1. A performance on the main live stage (“Red Stage”) at Ostróda Reggae Festival on August 14th, 2016 (1 hour including stage installation / linecheck). The order of the performances will be drawn.
2. Local transportation between the Festival and the nearest airports, if needed
3. Hotel accommodation including breakfasts
4. 50 Euro buyout per person for the entire planned stay
5. Tour managers to take care of on site
6. Backline, technical rider and catering
7. Free access audiovisual live stream of the show in full length through, professionally produced by the Promoter
8. A copy of the Participants’ audiovisual recording for their own future promo needs
9. Coverage/features through and the Festival regular promo platforms
10. The Awards, as separately
The Participants commit themselves:
1. To be ready to perform at their best in Ostroda on Aug 14th 2015 between 16:00 – 21:00 (if selected for the final stage of the Contest)
2. To organize transports to Poland for the above show on their own cost
3. If subject to visas, to proceed by themselves, on their own cost. The Promoter will provide all necessary documents and invitations to the Participants (see also: )
4. To grant the license audiovisual live stream and the recording of the show in full length to the Festival (or their media partners) for their noncommercial promo usage, for free.